This eLearning course is designed for direct service employment staff and other service providers who help prepare refugee clients for work in the United States. At the conclusion of the course, you will be able to identify adult education principles and recognize how these principles can be applied to refugee employment services. You will also have applied adult education principles to your own learning through the use of virtual platforms. To complete this course, you will need an internet-connected device that includes a video camera. To achieve the course certificate, you must complete two lessons and two activities, which include responding to virtual video and bulletin board prompts. 

After completing this self-paced course, you will be able to: 

  • Identify seven adult education principles 
  • Recognize how adult education principles can be applied to assessment and job readiness training;
  • Use two virtual platforms to share knowledge and reinforce your own learning
  • Consider ways to integrate virtual platforms into your clients’ learning. 

Please ensure you have the latest version of your web browser installed to ensure the best experience as you complete this e-learning module. You can pause this module and return to where you left off at any time.

Approximate time to complete: 30 mins

Need support?  Email [email protected]

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