This course is designed to support Unaccompanied Refugee Minor (URM) service providers. URM clients are among the most vulnerable persons in the world, having fled persecution, violence, or abuse and having entered the United States without a parent or custodian. The service providers who support them require specialized, intensive training that combines child welfare knowledge with expertise in refugee resettlement. While case management training may be readily available, there are limited options for training that speak directly to the unique needs of the URM program. Course participants will receive URM-specific training to enhance their knowledge and working relationships with this complex system. This course will also provide invaluable opportunities for networking, sharing of best practices, and collaboration across the URM network. This course will not cover in-depth knowledge of the resettlement or legal status of URM clients.

Upon completion of this course learners will be able to: 

  • Describe the essentials of case management in the context of URM service delivery
  • Describe common challenges in working with URM clients and name effective strategies for navigating them
  • Apply trauma-informed, culturally aware, and client-centered practical case management skills
  • Analyze best practices and resources shared by participants

    1. Welcome to the Course!

    2. How to Navigate this Course

    3. Book Office Hours with Your Course Instructors

    4. Optional: Connect with Your Course Cohort Peers

    1. Required Module 1 Pre-Work: Watch the Case Management Foundations Webinar Recording

    2. Required Module 1 Pre-Work: Post Your Top 2 Challenges & 1 Response to a Peer's Post

    3. Optional Module 1 Pre-Work: Read the The Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) Program 101 Tipsheet

    4. Optional Module 1 Pre-Work: Read the Unaccompanied Refugee Minor Program Guide

    5. Optional Module 1 Pre-Work: Read the Roles And Expectations In The Unaccompanied Refugee Minor (URM) Program Guide

    6. Module 1 Synchronous Zoom Session

    7. Module 1 Slide Deck Downloadable

    8. Module 1 Check-In

    1. Required Module 2 Pre-Work: Watch the Practical Guide To Working With Refugees: Skills, Techniques, And Considerations Webinar Recording

    2. Required Module 2 Pre-Work: Read the Refugee Youth Experience: Shofi’s Story of Hope & Resilience

    3. Required Module 2 Pre-Work: Post Your Reflections and Considerations

    4. Module 2 Synchronous Zoom Session

    5. Module 2 Slide Deck Downloadable

    6. Module 2 Check-In

    1. Required Module 3 Pre-Work: Watch My Story: An Inspiring Journey from Refugee Camp to Resilience

    2. Required Module 3 Pre-Work: Post Your Takeaways to Mapenzi Kinege's Story and Respond to a Peer

    3. Required Module 3 Pre-Work: Prepare a Case Study

    4. Module 3 Synchronous Zoom Session

    5. Module 3 Slide Deck Downloadable

    6. Module 3 Check-In

    1. Required Module 4 Pre-Work: Watch How a Refugee from Sudan Found Healing and Purpose I Rebecca Deng on Her Book "What They Meant for Evil."

    2. Required Module 4 Pre-Work: Post Your Takeaways to Rebecca Deng's Story and Respond to a Peer

    3. Required Module 4 Pre-Work: Read the Switchboard Trauma-Informed Care: A Primer For Refugee Service Providers

    4. Required Module 4 Pre-Work: Post a Resources: Trauma-Informed Care, Cultural Competency, or Client-Centered Services

    5. Optional Module 4 Pre-Work: Read the Switchboard Cultural Backgrounder(s) for the Population(s) in Your Area

    6. Optional Module 4 Pre-Work: Watch "Amir’s Story: They’re Like My Family Now"

    7. Module 4 Synchronous Zoom Session

    8. Module 4 Slide Deck Downloadable

    9. Module 4 Check-In

    1. Course Completion Satisfaction Survey

    2. Course Outro & Next Steps

Course Details

  • Free
  • 35 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content