This course is designed for resettlement agency workers navigating the housing market for newcomer clients. It covers the types of affordable housing programs offered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and eligibility requirements.

After completing this course, you will be able to: 

  • Describe HUD’s affordable housing programs
  • Name key eligibility criteria for HUD affordable housing programs, including immigration
    status and area median income (AMI)
  • Identify key HUD affordable housing programs for which newcomer clients may be
    eligible; and 
  • Assess which HUD affordable housing programs newcomer clients may be likely to
    qualify for

Approximate time to complete: 30-45 mins

Need support?  Email [email protected]

Course curriculum

    1. How to Navigate this Course

    1. Welcome to the Course!

    2. Introducing the Ahmad Family

    3. Introduction to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

    4. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Knowledge Check

    5. Getting Started with Navigating HUD Housing Program Eligibility Criteria

    6. Immigration Status Eligibility Requirements

    7. Immigration Status Eligibility Requirements Knowledge Check

    8. Income Eligibility Requirements

    9. Area Median Income (AMI) Brackets

    10. Navigating the Online HUD AMI Calculator Tool

    11. Determining the Ahmad Family's AMI Bracket

    12. The Ahmad Family Considers Moving

    1. HUD Housing Programs that Newcomers May Be Eligible For

    2. Implications for Affordable Housing for the Ahmads

    3. HUD Housing Programs for the Ahmads to Consider

    4. Conclusion

    5. Recommended Resources

    6. Course Satisfaction Survey

    7. Course Outro & Next Steps

About this course

  • Free
  • 20 lessons

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