
Course Objectives: 

Upon completing this course, participants will be able to: 

  • Describe three fundamentals of casework supervision in the context of services for newcomers
  • Describe potential impacts of trauma in casework and apply practical skills in trauma-informed supervision  
  • Apply practical skills in culturally aware supervision, including strategies that consider socio-cultural context 
  • Apply practical skills in supportive supervision, including strategies for staff care and self-care 

Synchronous Session Dates:

  • Thursday, January 23, 2025, 1-2:30PM ET Fundamentals of Casework Supervision
  • Thursday, January 30, 2025, 1-2:30PM ET Trauma-Informed Supervision
  • Thursday, February 6, 2025, 1-2:30PM ET Culturally Aware Supervision
  • Thursday, February 13, 2025, 1-2:30PM ET Practical Skills in Supportive Supervision: Staff Care and Self-Care

This is an NASW-accredited course worth 10 continuing education units (CEUs).

Need support?  Email [email protected]

Course Curriculum

    1. Course Intro Video

    2. How to Navigate this Course

    3. Course Workbook

    4. Course Instructors' Office Hours

    5. Optional: Connect with Your Course Cohort Peers

    1. Required Module 1 Pre-Work: Read the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape Guide to Trauma-Informed Supervision, Pages 6-18

    2. Required Module 1 Pre-Work: Activity

    3. Optional Module 1 Pre-Work: Watch the TedX, "Great Leadership Starts with Self-Leadership" by Lars Sudmann

    4. Module 1 Synchronous Zoom Session

    5. Module 1 Slide Deck Downloadable

    6. Module 1 Check-In

    1. Required Module 2 Pre-Work: Read the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape Guide to Trauma-Informed Supervision, Pages 4-5 & 19-20

    2. Required Module 2 Pre-Work: Read the Switchboard Guide, Trauma-Informed Care: Movement Towards Practice

    3. Required Module 2 Pre-Work: Case Scenario Response

    4. Optional Module 2 Pre-Work: Watch the TED, Nadine Burke Harris, Video: How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime (2014)

    5. Optional Module 2 Pre-Work: Read the SAMHSA Guide: SAMHSA’s Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach

    6. Optional Module 2 Pre-Work: Take the "Creating Cultures of Trauma-Informed Care" Organization Self Assessment

    7. Module 2 Synchronous Zoom Session

    8. Module 2 Slide Deck Downloadable

    9. Module 2 Check-In

    1. Required Module 3 Pre-Work: Read the Switchboard, Guide: Cultural Competence in Refugee Service Settings: Guidance for Service Providers Based on a Scoping Review of the Literature

    2. Required Module 3 Pre-Work: Self Reflection on Active Listening Skills Activity

    3. Optional Module 3 Pre-Work: Watch the TED, Kim Scott & Trier Bryant Video: How to Reduce Bias in Your Workplace (2021)

    4. Optional Module 3 Pre-Work: Test Yourself for Hidden Bias Using the Assessment from Learning for Justice

    5. Optional Module 3 Pre-Work: Read the SAMHSA, Guide: Improving Cultural Competence: Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 59

    6. Module 3 Synchronous Zoom Session

    7. Module 3 Slide Deck Downloadable

    8. Module 3 Check-In

    1. Required Module 4 Pre-Work: Read the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, Guide: A Guide to Trauma- Informed Supervision, pgs. 21-27

    2. Required Module 4 Pre-Work: Watch the TED, Laura van Dernoot Lipsky Video: Beyond the Cliff (2015)

    3. Required Module 4 Pre-Work: Take the Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) 5 Measure Assessment (2021)

    4. Required Module 4 Pre-Work: Download and Complete the Brown University, Self-Care Assessment Worksheet (1996)

    5. Required Module 4 Pre-Work: Case Scenario Response

    6. Optional Module 4 Pre-Work: Read the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), Fact Sheet: Secondary Traumatic Stress Core Competencies for Trauma-Informed Support and Supervision (2022)

    7. Optional Module 4 Pre-Work: Use the STS Practice Lab, Tool: Secondary Traumatic Stress Core Competencies in Trauma-Informed Supervision Self-Rating Tool (2022)

    8. Optional Module 4 Pre-Work: Watch the TED, LeeAnn Renninger Video: The Secret to Giving Great Feedback (2020)

    9. Optional Module 4 Pre-Work: Read the Switchboard, Guide: Preventing Occupational Hazards by Promoting Organizational Resilience

    10. Module 4 Synchronous Zoom Session

    11. Module 4 Slide Deck Downloadable

    12. Module 4 Check-In

    1. Course Completion Satisfaction Survey

    2. Course Outro & Next Steps

About this course

  • Free
  • 42 lessons