This self-paced course offers an introduction to cultural awareness for providers supporting Afghan newcomers to the U.S. It reviews the events that have led to Afghanistan’s current refugee crisis;  elaborates on the social and cultural characteristics that distinguish this population from other migrant groups in the United States; describes how to engage with these newcomers in a respectful and culturally sensitive manner; and names misconceptions and expectations newcomers may have.

This course will benefit all resettlement service providers working with incoming Afghan newcomers, particularly providers who are new to supporting Afghan clients. It is also relevant to anyone interested in helping to facilitate Afghans’ transition to life in the U.S. 

The content for this course relies on the Afghan Cultural Backgrounder produced by Cultural Orientation Resource Exchange (CORE).

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize the historical events that have led to Afghanistan’s refugee crisis;
  • Name basic social and cultural characteristics, and implications for programs, relevant to Afghan clients;
  • Describe expectations and misconceptions Afghan clients may have about the United States; and
  • Describe how to effectively communicate with Afghan newcomers.

Need support? Email [email protected]

Approximate time to complete: 60 mins

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