This course is designed for resettlement agency professionals navigating the housing market on behalf of newcomers resettling in the United States and is a continuation of the eLearning course Introduction to HUD Housing for Newcomers.

After completing this course, you will be able to: 

  • Identify common documents and information needed to apply for HUD affordable housing
  • Assist newcomer clients to prepare for applying for HUD affordable housing programs
  • Navigate common administrative, language, and cultural challenges newcomers may face when applying for HUD affordable housing

Approximate time to complete: 45 mins

Need support?  Email [email protected]

Course curriculum

    1. How to Navigate this Course

    1. Welcome to the Course!

    2. Introducing the Kasongo Family

    3. Overview of the General HUD Application Process

    4. Step 1: Checking HUD Program Eligibility

    5. Step 2: Setting the Stage with Clients

    6. Step 3 Part I: Introduction to Commonly Requested Documentation

    7. Step 3 Part II: Gathering Supporting Documents

    8. Step 4: Completing the Application

    9. Step 5: Submitting the Application

    10. Module 1 Knowledge Check

    11. Next Steps

    1. Welcome to Module 2

    2. Overcoming Language Access Challenges

    3. Overcoming Challenges Related to Cultural Differences

    4. Module 2 Knowledge Check

    5. Module 2 Conclusion

    6. Recommended Resources

    7. Course Satisfaction Survey

    8. Course Outro & Next Steps

About this course

  • Free
  • 20 lessons

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