This course is designed for resettlement agency professionals navigating the housing market on behalf of newcomers resettling in the United States and is a continuation of the eLearning courses Introduction to HUD Housing for Newcomers and Accessing HUD Housing for Newcomers.

After completing this course, you will be able to: 

  • Identify challenges faced by newcomers in finding suitable housing and recognize how community partnerships can help overcome these challenges
  • Implement strategies for engaging community leaders in the housing support process
  • Implement strategies for organizing networks of key stakeholders such as landlords and other housing providers to support sustainable community-based housing solutions

Approximate time to complete: 45 mins

Need support?  Email [email protected]

Course curriculum

    1. How to Navigate this Course

    2. Welcome to the Course!

    1. Introducing the Zamani Family

    2. Five Common Challenges Newcomers May Face When Seeking Housing

    3. Overcoming Common Challenges: Limited Knowledge of the Local Housing Market & Affordability Issues

    4. Carla Manages Expectations About Finding Housing Near Essential Services with the Zamani Family

    5. Overcoming Common Challenges: Lack of Rental, Credit, & Employment Histories

    6. Overcoming Common Challenges: Discrimination & Bias

    7. Module 1 Knowledge Check

    1. Strategies for Engaging Community Leaders in the Housing Support Process

    2. Module 2 Knowledge Check

    1. Strategies for Organizing Key Stakeholders in the Housing Support Process

    2. Housing Options for the Zamani Family

    3. Module 3 Knowledge Check

    4. Recommended Resources

    5. Course Satisfaction Survey

    6. Course Outro & Next Steps

About this course

  • Free
  • 17 lessons

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